Elizabeth Hawker – Prophetic Minister
Elizabeth Hawker is a woman who fell passionately in love with Jesus in 1983 and started walking in the supernatural the day she gave her life to the Lord. She has testified to the healing power of God through her life and living the life of faith as Holy Spirit taught her in intimate times of study and fellowship.
She has a call to the Nations and has been ministering in the Nations since 1999 and has also ministered Women’s Meetings and other Churches and has traveled in the US to Native Reservations and partnered with other Native American Ministry teams in the U.S. and Nations. Elizabeth is an enrolled member of the Gabrielino Mission Band of Indians of Los Angeles, California.
Elizabeth with her husband Ian Hawker are ordained ministers leading Leap Of Faith Mission, and are ordained ministers through Christian International.
Elizabeth has been for the past year going into the jail to serve the men and woman with the message of the Isaiah 61 proclaim liberty to the captives as Jesus professed and she is seeing them healed and delivered by the power of Holy Spirit.
Since 2017 Elizabeth has been called to go to Brazil and South America several times a year and has been imparting the fire she carries to ignite the Church and His people to be found in Him. She is seeing miracles and she carries not only the fire of God, but she is seeing lives changed as she is determined to be found in Him and be a vessel to pour out His love to people. Her love and call to Indigenous people flows not only to the people and nations but also through her Artistry in: Photography, Jewelry, Journals, Prophetic Painting and finally Writing.